PPGS Professor

Isabel P.H. Georges, German, sociologist, with a degree from University of Paris VIII, 2000, France, Postdoctorate from CEBRAP/FAPESP (Brazilian Center of Analyzing and Planning/Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de São Paulo) between 2001 and 2005, researcher in the IRD (Institute of research for development), France. Research specialty: globalization of the productive structure and work relations, the relations between the productive structure and women work in the service sector, comparative analysis. More recently, she works with the new configurations of work and ways of occupational insertion of people from low income in the urban space. In this perspective, she studies the meaning of masculine and feminine work considered less qualified (carework, sewing, street trading, recycling, etc). and its forms of recognition (political, social, salary, symbolic, affective). She has published many collective books and papers on these issues in national and international journals.

Researcher in the IRD (Institute of Research for Development)

PPGS affiliated Professor and associate researcher in the Department of Sociology at Federal University of São Carlos (DS- UFSCar)

Program Specialty Area: Social Structure, Power and Mobilities

Areas of investigation: new configurations of work, informality, gender relations, activities of service (telecommunication, telemarketing, domestic work, sewing, street trading, etc), collective representation and “the new Brazilian social policies” (sectors of health and assistance)

Research group: Work, social policies, participation and gender