CPCD – Research Center on Culture, Difference and Inequalities

Coordinators: Jorge Leite Júnior, Maria Inês Rauter Mancuso, Richard Miskolci e Valter Silvério
The Research Center on Culture, Difference and Inequalities articulates investigations of professors, researchers and undergraduate and graduate students in this research specialty in Sociology at Federal University of São Carlos. The participants of the center are engaged in themes of social differentiation and inequalities associated to problematics on national identity, ethnic-racial issues, gender and sexuality.
The investigations prioritize qualitative methods, since field research up to the use of cultural production as a way to comprehend the social mechanisms of exploitation and subalternization of specific social groups. The center promotes debates and systematic reflections among researchers, organization of collections on the research themes, besides to encourage the paper production and the disclosure of academic production in scientific meetings.

Research groups of CPCD:

LEST- Laboratory of studies on Work, Professions and Mobility

Coordinators: Jacob Carlos Lima and Maria da Glória Bonelli
The laboratory keeps researches related to social transformations in the contemporaneity, having the changes in the work and in the professions as a cut, as well as their implications on the social structure, power relations and constitution of sociability and their consequences in collective actions. Changes in the social production and reproduction give new meanings to social action, as well as to the categories space, time and collective identities. The distinction of macro/micro and/or the several dualities that characterize the sociological thought give place to the search of continuities to social processes in which the classifications are realized as part of a wider whole. It includes themes such as globalization, work and crisis of the wage society, labor market and technological innovation, reconfiguration of social classes; social actors and collective action; social, occupational and spatial mobility; qualification and professions.

Other research groups